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Because BenchPro™ products are manufactured in Mexico, reduced operating costs allows BenchPro™ to add value in critical areas. To explain this, BenchPro™ products have been compared to their three largest competitors:



Leg Assembly



  Rather than channels or angles of steel, BenchPro™ uses square tube for structural integrity. This is especially important for the apron, as a weak apron allows legs to be bent underneath.
16 Ga Angle 16 Ga Channel 16 Ga tube
16 Ga. Angle 16 Ga. Channel BenchPro\'s 16 Ga. Tube



  BenchPro™ fasteners are heavier too. While BenchPro™ uses 5/16-18 hex bolts to assemble our legs, the competitors use only 1/4-20 bolts. Where the competitors use 1/2" long bolts to assemble legs and leg adjustment brackets, BenchPro™ uses 2" long heavier bolts. These longer bolts eliminate the possibility of cross-threading.
Bad fastener Our fastener


Ease of assembly.

  BenchPro™ benches are the easiest to assemble too. The competitors supply an eight-page assembly manual and a big bag of assorted fasteners; BenchPro™ benches go together with only two bolts per leg. That\'s because BenchPro™ pre-assembles the apron that goes around the bottom of the top and the leg assemblies through WELDING, then pre-assembles the top to the apron.



Weight: BenchPro™ uses heavy "industrial grade" 45-pound, 1-1/8 thick solid particle board for the core material. This is the heaviest grade in the industry.
Seal: BenchPro™ seals 5 sides plus the bottom, making the top watertight, and eliminating the possibility of moisture causing warpage.
Bad seal Our seal



  For your ergonomic comfort, BenchPro™ offers a 180° radius front edge on all models at no extra charge.


Load capacity.

  While other bench makers claim weight limits of 650 - to - 1200 pounds, BenchPro\'s use of Cinch-Tite™ corner fastening, plus extensive welding allows us to ensure a 5,000 pound load will never damage the bench.